About the movie Green Card.

 2010.07.11. 01:59

I like this movie, because it goes straight against the current stream of liberal thinking. Which states, that first get known eachother, go out with eachother, have sex with eachother, live together, and if everything works, then get married. They keep saying that look at the marriages, many of them end up with divorce, and the reason of the divorce is that they don’t understand eachother, they don’t know eachother, or other types of disharmonies are there. Why to jump in a “not working” marriage, ask they. But I think usually those marriages end up with divorce, where they got known eachother, had sex with eachother, lived together, and then got married. Because after all these happenings the marriage brings restrictions only into their life. Thereafter they need to be loyal, and they have to live all the time in the same place, with the same person. And with time the initial love (if there were any beside the rational consideration that this is a person I dreamed of all the time and I can live with) faints, and the problems replace that. From this observation arose the sentence, long distance - long marriage.

This film is a perfect poem. I mean that it is as long as it’s needed, contain an order of metaphors that support eachother, and which aren’t overwhelming rather hidden, well composed, and let the transcendental world enter the poem, is a secret way. In that way that it opens the door, but waits for God to come in.

In this movie there are no mention of God or church, or religion. Even the african line emphasizes only the emotions, the subconscious. The heroes of this movie live rather a life without God. The girl, Brontie, have a life with a center of flowers and weeds, live together with someone outside marriage to whom she feels no love, just convinces herself about this is the guy who fits perfectly her preferences. That’s proven by the fact that she wouldn’t marry him ever. She even mocks marriage by marrying rather a stranger for her dream condo with a green house in the heart of NYC. And she hides her conscience striking by planting trees into poor areas in the city as a caritative act that reflects rather her preferences in the life than the needs of the poor. The french guy, George, lives a sinful life, he is a criminal. He was raised in a poor suburb full of sins, and he currently is running away from something we don’t know about anything, some crime, political, or whatever. He tries to flee into the US by marrying someone to get the green card. And so they meet. They got married without knowing eachother. Without knowing even the name of the other. And at this very moment a miracle happens. It is quite obvious that they fall in love at the first sight, but they don’t know about it at all. All the people around them realize this at the first glance, except an immigration officer who is looking for criminals, and completely and purposefully not aware of emotions and interpersonal relations. And the film is about this miracle how their empty life fills with meanings and emotions risen from their marriage and love. To show this miracle, the film uses a deeply structured metaphor system, which to explore is an other excitement in this film. But the fatal play of fortune how they met, the magnitude of the miracle after that and the power of their love leaves the one touchably unnamed who they can thank all of it. And the perfect composition of the film, the small and deep secrets supports this need for a superior composer who arranged everything.

And the final point why this is a perfect poem, because, on the other hand, the whole story in absolutely real. We can imagine that it happened just in our neighborhood, with usual everyday persons in completely realistic situations. Like us. 

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